April 28, 2021
Lecture “Behind The Seams” , by Dr. Ingrid Mida, on April 29 at 8 pm. Conference

DRESS.CODE. applies the principles of object-oriented research. By reading and analysing form, fabric, folds, stains, and labels, we can bring inanimate objects to life and reconstruct a biography for both object and owner. Dr. Ingrid E. Mida is a Canadian art and fashion historian and author of “The Dress Detective”, which inspired the exhibition DRESS.CODE. During this session, Ingrid Mida will give an introduction on the principles of object-oriented research and slow looking, in order to discover, together with you, some hidden stories behind two damaged nineteenth-century bodies, a sparkling Charleston dress and two fabulous Balmain dresses.
Fashion Museum Hasselt and Dr. Ingrid Mida are glad to invite you to the exclusive live-streamed lecture
“Behind The Seams” on April 29 at 8 pm. (GMT +2)
The lecture is in line with the theme of our current exhibition DRESS.CODE.
- language: English
- duration: 40 minutes
- fee: for free
- registration isnecessary
Registration link: