May 20, 2021
ICOM Costume has a new logo! News

The international committee ICOM Costume, created by François Boucher in 1962, becomes in 2021 ‘ICOM International Committee for Museums and collections of Costume, Fashion and Textiles/Comité international de l’ICOM pour les musées et collections de costume, mode et textile/Comité internacional del ICOM para Museos y Colecciones de Indumentaria, Moda y Textil’.
Alberto Garlandini, President of ICOM, was pleased to announce that at the 153rd Session on 22 February 2021, the ICOM Executive Board approved the change of name of the International Committee ICOM Costume, in the three official languages, according to the ICOM Internal Rules (art. 7.3) and the International Committee’s Rules, as below:
- in English:ICOM International Committee for Museums and Collections of Costume, Fashion and Textiles;
- in French:Comité international de l’ICOM pour les musées et collections de costume, mode et textile;
- in Spanish:Comité internacional del ICOM para Museos y Colecciones de Indumentaria, Moda y Textil.