March 6, 2022

In 2022, ICOM Costume will celebrate the 60th Anniversary of the ICOM international committee for the museums and collections of Costume, Fashion and Textiles through a unique ICOM Costume Award.
The international committee ICOM Costume was created by the French Costume Historian, François Boucher in 1962. The ICOM Costume 60th Anniversary Award seeks to distinguish recent outstanding contributions to all areas of research in fashion and dress history. Applications from early career practitioners and emerging scholars are especially welcome, but all projects and initiatives less than three years old will be considered.
Projects and initiatives eligible to apply for the ICOM Costume 60th Anniversary Award must be less than three years old at the time of nomination. They may cover all areas of museums and collections of costume, fashion and textiles: theory, practice, exhibition, education, conservation, teaching, research and design.
Nominees do not have to be ICOM Costume members, however they must be nominated by two ICOM Costume members.
Projects or initiatives nominated must demonstrate: innovation and creativity; unique contributions to the field of fashion and dress history research; wider impact on communities, museum visitors or society at large; and/or potential to improve access to museum collections or disseminate research into an aspect of fashion and dress history more widely. Interdisciplinary approaches are welcome.
Nominations must be made via email, by two ICOM Costume members in good standing. Nominators can nominate themselves. If you are thinking of making a nomination, please read the ICOM Costume 60th Anniversary Award rules
Project proposals for consideration can be submitted in one of the three official languages of ICOM: French, English, Spanish.
The award recipient will be invited to present their research or practice at the ICOM Costume general conference in either 2022 or 2023. The award for first prize will received a stipend of 2,000 EUR towards travel and accommodation costs and/or registration fees. Two further smaller awards of 500 EUR for highly commended projects or initiatives will contribute toward travel costs and related expenses (please see terms and conditions).
All award winners will have the opportunity to publish their work in the conference proceedings published on the ICOM Costume, Fashion and Textiles mini site.
ICOM Costume 60th Anniversary Award 2022 – Evaluation Committee
- Kaji Appolinaire, CDPCameroun; National Secretary of ICOM Cameroun
- Alexandra Kim, City of Toronto
- Yayoi Motohashi, The National Art Center, Tokyo
- Vicky Salías, Museo de la Historia del Traje, Buenos Aires
- Corinne Thépaut-Cabasset, Château de Versailles (Chair ex-officio, ICOM Costume)