August 19, 2021
Annual Meeting & General Assembly // Registration Open !!!

The annual ICOM Costume
Meeting & General Assembly 2021 go online
30-31 August 2021 from 2.30-4.30 PM (Paris Time)
Monday 30th August at 2.30 PM (Paris Time)
The General Assembly is open to
ICOM Costume members in good standard only
upon registration at the committee’s Secretary,
Dorothea Nicolai:
(Registration links for the GA will be sent by return email)
Tuesday 31th August at 2.30 PM (Paris Time)
Paper sessions with presentations given by
ICOM members via this link: 1l5WHdZSkZhUmdOQT09
ID: 842 9817 7039
Code: 696114
Complete program available HERE!
Photo ©Thomas Garnier/Château de Versailles
Bed trimmings in the apartment of Mesdames
(daughters of Louis XV) at the Palace of Versailles.