February 5, 2020
CALL FOR PAPERS – Annual Meeting 2020

The theme of the 2020 ICOM Costume Committee Annual Meeting is THE MAKING OF LUXURY.
Luxury in fashion is associated primarily with the richest. Kings, princes and aristocrats competed with costumes that directly declared their status and wealth. However, everyone, even a poor man, had their own concept of luxury to which he aspired. For the lady of the court the highest quality cashmere wool shawl was a luxury, while for a middle class woman an embroidered cotton shawl imitating it could be the dream object.
The Palace of Versailles is the best place to consider various aspects of creating luxury clothing. Papers on following topics will be particularly welcomed, but do not hesitate to look for another aspect of luxury in fashion up to the 21rst Century:
• Competition among monarchs – how to outshine other rulers?
• Luxurious extravagance
• Priceless materials and the most sophisticated techniques in the production of fashion
• The network and circuits of luxury production, trade and consumption
• Everybody wants a little luxury – cheaper imitations of luxurious costumes and fashion accessories
• How to dress for church and the village fair? Luxury in folk costumes
Deadline: 20 February 2020
ICOM Costume Committee Annual Meeting
Versailles, June 29 – July 3, 2020
Photo©Thomas Garnier/Château de Versailles
Passementerie de lit dans l’appartement de Mesdames (filles de Louis XV) au château de Versailles.