Working Groups

The committee has different standing working groups.
The groups have produced amongst others a costume Bibliography, a Terminology and Guidelines for collecting, handling and photographing costume as well as the Workbook “Clothes tell Stories”. Each is useful not only to museum professionals but is also meant as an aid to the general public.

Bibliography: compiled by Christine Stevens.

Terminology: The Vocabulary of Basic Terms for the Cataloguing of Costume (English, French and German)

Guidelines to Handling Costume (English, Serbian, Portuguese, Russian)

Jury for articles for “Clothes Tell Stories”: Three members of the committee review submissions, suggest revisions if necessary, determine appropriateness for inclusion in “Clothes Tell Stories,” seek additional expertise if warranted.

Policies and Procedures: Oversees the organizational aspects of the Costume Committee’s operations including job descriptions for Board Members, nominating procedures, implementation of actions taken by the voting members, and compliance with ICOM rules for International Committees.

Student Saturday: The Costume Committee has a tradition of offering a “Student Saturday” in the cities we visit at our annual meetings. It is an opportunity for students of art history, design, museology and other museumrelated training to meet with international museum experts in a relaxed atmosphere.